The symptoms of an ICTUS
The symptoms of an ICTUS


A stroke is one of the most common vascular diseases in Spain, so much so that it affects more than 110,000 people a year, according to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN). Another of the most interesting data provided by SEN is the fact that 90% of stroke cases are preventable. This is why an early arrest is so important. To do this, one must know how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke and thus be able to act accordingly by going to the nearest health center or by calling the emergency services directly.

A stroke is one of the most common vascular diseases in Spain, so much so that it affects more than 110,000 people a year, according to data from the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN). Another of the most interesting data provided by SEN is the fact that 90% of stroke cases are preventable.

This is why an early arrest is so important. To do this, one must know how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke and thus be able to act accordingly by going to the nearest health center or by calling the emergency services directly.

Symptoms of an ICTUS

Let’s look at the main symptoms of a stroke that we can detect in the early stages of the disease.

Numbness or weakness

If you notice one side of your face starting to sleep, your arm or leg tingling, it’s probably because you’re having a stroke.

Difficulty in speaking

This symptom is closely related to the previous one since the numbness on one side of the face will in turn cause a difficulty in speech, which the patient himself may not notice, so people around him must be very attentive in case he starts talking strangely, working himself or simply not being understood.

Twisted Mouth

We continue to chain symptoms, in addition to the numbness and difficulty of speech, we must add an aspect of crooked mouth, a gesture that cannot be controlled. To check whether it can be controlled or not, the patient should be asked to smile. If he can’t, something’s up.

Alteration of the senses

An ICTUS can also cause loss of vision in one or both eyes, discomfort or ringing in the ear, altered smell, etc. This occurs because the brain, suffering a deficit, is not able to process the stimuli that come to it related to the senses.


For the same reason that the senses are altered, the person can become very confused suddenly, disoriented and even suffer memory loss. Besides, you can feel that you are on the verge of fainting.

We must understand that the person who is suffering may not even be aware of it as they may find themselves confused, with their senses failing and not understanding what is happening to them. Being able to recognize some of these symptoms of a stroke, either by the person who is suffering it or by the people around him, is very important to be able to treat it and reduce the risks as much as possible.

Treatment of ICTUS

For those who have suffered an ICTUS, resorting to hyperbaric medicine can help them recover, along with their doctor’s instructions. Hyperbaric oxygen helps axonal regeneration, which decreases cerebral edema, in addition to having an anti-inflammatory effect.

The increase of available oxygen in the blood plasma vascularizes the affected area, so that the adjacent areas can quickly regain lost functions after a stroke.

Make your medical appointment now at the Hyperbaric Clinic in Estepona. The first appointment is free.


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